
sita paranticaは渡り蝶アサギマダラ(Parantica Sita)から命名されました。生涯で2000kmも放浪するアサギマダラの様に自由でユーモアにあふれるライフスタイルアイテムを提案するブランドです。革縫製、鋲打、革なめし染色、鋲付属製造など様々な技術を駆使し、高品質なアイテムを作り上げています。

「sita parantica」 is named after the academic name "Parantica Sita", of the migratory butterfly also known as the Chestnut TigerWe produce everyday lifestyle items that are free, and optimistic in their design - like this Chestnut Tiger, that wanders liberated across 2000km in its lifetime. 
We are creating high quality items with a contemporary twist, which make use of the special, production-focused background that we have grown and flourished within.


Instagram : @sitaparantica_official